Cuti sekolah berakhir lagi....Perjuangan bermula kembali.
Sepatutnya, hari nih hari pemantauan terakhir dari Guru pembimbing saya....sebaliknya saya dikejutkan dengan berita ketidak hadirannya kerana tumpah darah (guru pembimbing saya pregnant).

Sebelum pulang dari sekolah pula, dikejutkan dengan berita dari G (my x-officemates) tentang kematian anak sulung Azam (x-officemates) yang baru 5 bulan. Benar2 tersentak. Minggu lepas, G ada hubungi saya dan ajak melawat...waktu tu baby tgh tenat...tapi tak kesampaian..

Rasa kesal yang amat sangat. Kalau nak direnung kembali...3,4 bulan lepas, saya dihujani dengan sms tentang ayah eita (one of my best 14) yang tenat...dan kerana "kesibukan", saya tidak berkesempatan bersama eita hinggalah pemergian ayahnya....Hari ini, kesilapan sama berulang lagi....Kesal, sebal dan kecewa dengan sikap diri sendiri.....

If I really wanted to make differences, I would Be sensitive to the losses and dissapointments of others.

Dissapointments and loss are inevitable. Almost every day we encounter someone who is hurting. How we respond to those who are experiencing painful circumstances can make a significant differences in the healing and recovery process. Dr Ira Bycock, an expert on death and dying, gives one critical word of advice to those responding to the suffering of others."Just show up," he urges. (But,i didnt show up....Bad me!!)

Even when you dont know what to say, you can "be there".Just ur physical presence says, " I care about you and what ur going through." Resist the urge to suggest a quick fix or predict that things willlook brighter tomorrow. Don't try to downplay the pain, deny it or explainit. Instead be agood listener and strong shoulder. ( am I the good listener ?!!). see them through. Selflessly lifting up another person is God's truest work.
(Refer to If I really wanted to make a differences I would.....page 77)

selain itu, sedar atau tidak Ummat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w memperolehi tujuh nikmat di dalam:
1. solat 5 waktu bersama imam
2. Menghadiri majlis ilmu dgn iringan doa malaikat yang sering memohon keampunan dan rahmat.
3.Melawat orang sakit dngan ganjaran pahala yang hebat.
4. Mengiringi jenazah ke kubur.
5. Memberi minuman kepada orang yang dahaga
6. Mendamaikan 2 org yang berselisih
7. Memuliakan jiran dan anak yatim.
(refer majalah anis keluaran Ogos 2005, page73)

Azam and wife:
Takziah diucapkan. Maaf kerana tidak berkesempatan melawat.B strong k..setiap sesuatu ada hikmahnya.
Proud with u. Who knows deep inside ur heart. Ur such a strong girl.
Che' Rodz:
Keep on struggling n fighting..this is life..
Me myself...
Try to be a good friend..

~ sometimes "taking care" is just about "being there" ~


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