+ WatchinG ClOuDs+

On a day when the sky is brilliant blue and the clouds move by in their formations of different shapes, call your children to interpret their shapes. Ask them what they can see. Are there animals,people or shapes of other living things or objects? Can they see dinosours, elephants, eagles, tigers, etc? Bring sketchbooks for urself and ur kids and draw what you see above u. Do not disagree with ur children. Instead, be fascinated with what they describe to you.

Fantasy and imagination are important ingredients for creative mind. By asking your children to associate cloud shapes with animals,you are nurturing their natural and inborn of associations. This will stregthen their powers of observation and correlation, a fundamental creative skills. After all, creativity is about the ability to make connections between two or more unrelated objects or events

Tip No 11 from book entitled Nurturing Creative Children by Dr. Yew Kam Keong Page 32.

Sjak jadi cikgu nih, dah mula pandai baca buku keibubapaan seperti ini, walaupun belum bergelar ibu lagi…..adakalanya ia mengimbau telatah diri sendiri sewaktu kanak-kanak….

Watching clouds is one of my favourite things to do during childhood…Unfortunately I used to do it alone ….
dan lama betul saya tak buat benda2 macam tuh…….dan kali ini ia mengundang interpretasi yang berbeza…….Besarnya keagungan Pencinta….SubhanaALlah…

lega rasanya dan terlepas sebentar beban terpikul di dada dan resah yang bersarang di hati…………

my journey continues……..

Milla: Takziah…….K.Liza, Nani, Azlin: Tahniah……………

~ Walau dimana pun kita langit yang menaungi kita semua tetap sama ~


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