Yes, it is a story inspiration  from women who have memorized the quran... Allahu
The story of Charlotte, Raneem, Madiha, Aziza, serene.. and others who aim to let the quran to be in their heart. 

And among my favourite quote and inspirational advice from them 

" Put all your trust and hope in ALlah. Even if you dont get memorize it all, which is very intensive, memorize some of the suras. We always have to learn, thats part of Islam. Just keep trying."  Charlotte page 42

" You have to put that foot on the road and go down it. Then continue on it, even if it is a small amount per day. You may be movinh a little bit, but you are still moving. When we stop procrastinating we immediately change from a woman who might one day memorize to a woman who is memorizing now. Do it for yourself and your spiritual growth, and do it for the children, the youth, and the other women in the community who need to see you." Anne's advice page 89

And ibu realize, 
Memorizing Alquran has never ended story... 

Kids, never ever claimed that u already memorize 30 juz and get the 🏆 

It is a lifelong journey..letting the words of ALlah grew day by day in your ♥. 
Inshaallah it will be our life long journey... 

Working on it together inshaallah


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