A marriage becomes precious when it is intended purely to obtain the good pleasure of Allah. Otherwise, it becomes a burden both in this world and the next. If not in this world, man will ultimately understand in the hereafter that this is improper way for the human soul. Yet, this will be too late; on the of judgement he would hold his wife, to whom he felt so close in this world, a ransom for his own salvation. The terror of that day will render all relations in this world meaningless. Allah gives a detailed account of the relationships between immediate family members on the day og judgement in the following verse:

Though they will put in sight of each other, the wrongdoer’s desire will be: would that he could redeem himself from the penalty of that day by sacrificing his children, wife and his brother, kindred who sheltered him…….(Al-Maarij:11-13)

It is evident from the verses that people no longer attach any importance to women, friends, brothers or sisters on the day of judgement. In their desperate efforts to be saved, everybody will be willing to pay their immediate family or relatives as a ransom for their own salvation. Futhermore, these people will curse each other since they never warned each other against such a terrible end. In the quran, the case of Abu Lahab who deserved eternal punishment in the hell and his wife recounted:

The power of Abu Lahab will perish, and he will perish. His wealth and gains will not exempt him. He will plunged in flaming fire, and his wife, the wood carrier, will have upon her neck a halter of palm fibre (Al-Masad:1-5)

The type of marriage acceptable in the presence of Allah is, however based on totally different criteria. Contrary to the marriages common in an ignorant society, where people are heedless about earning the good pleasure of Allah, the criteria is not money, fame or beauty but a marriage is intended to gain His good pleasure. For believers the only criterion is taqwa, in other words the avoidance of all that is prohibited, the fulfillment of all that is commanded, and the fear of ALLah. Consequently, a believer can only marry someone who displays a deep loyalty to Allah. People find peace and happiness in this marriage. The relevant verse follows:

And among His sign is this, that He created for you mates from among urselves, that u may dwell in tranquility with them. And He has put love and mercy between ur hearts: verily in that are Signs for those who reflects (Ar-Rum:21)
Taqwa being the sole bond, believers will surely meet a pleasant life in the hereafter. As they remind each other righteousness and guide one another to the paradise all through their lives, they will also remain close friends for all eternity. Their relations are described as follows:

The believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbids what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: For Allah is exalted in power, Wise (At Taubah:71)

From The Truth Of Life In This World written by Harun Yahya

Fadzli Amin my ex schoolmate and also unimate: Sorry…intended to come to ur wedding suddenly banyak hal pula….hehehehehe Moga yang terbaik sentiasa mengiringi perjalanan kehidupan baru anda…..

Fathil: Seorg yg saya kagumi dan sering buat saya kecut perut…hehehehe takut tau kena marah dengan awak…ur such a good leader, ull be a good husband…..Inshaallah.Tgh cari member nak g perak, tak der aral saya akan tiba di majlis awak nanti.

Normah: Another one of my black14 members is getting married……baru dapat message informing ur wedding date being postpone. Dont worry dear..everything will be ok...pray for u always....

En. Faizal Mat Deli: Kerana itu, saya sering bertanya atas dasar apa dan kenapa? Fikirkanlah dan nilailah sendiri. Adakah ia sesuatu yang awak miliki hari ini, ataupun telah awak miliki dan mungkin memilikinya kembali satu hari nanti...

Buat semua...inshaallah doa saya tidak akan putus....gembira kalian adalah sebahagian dari kegembiraan saya....
Selamat menempuh alam baru


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