
Majlis Penutup Minggu Merdeka....Argh...kena pergi sekolah pagi Sabtu.....

Pagi yg sangat kalut... ..terjaga jam 4 dek sms yg entah dari siapa...
Tidur tak lena hingga pagi.... part n parcel of the crisis and tragedy in my life tis week...

Trying to be positive thinking person.. but sometimes I just need to let it go !!!!!!!

Keep on reminding myself: life never promised to be wonderfull...Luckily good news from K.Liza n birthday wishes to nani n ina did cover my feeling.....cant help smiling while portraying their happy faces in my mind....At least there are still happy moments out there.....

Di sekolah...nampak gayanya bukan saya seorg shj yg menerima sms misteri seawal 4 pg.... Berita hangat pagi itu!!!!!!

12.50 am and it is already 17 September 2006....im still having butterflies in my stomach without knowing the reason why it was there.............and here im facing my lap top hoping that it will end..... InshaALlah, it will end......when??.......ALlah knows .......

Tiada kalimah yang lebih bermakna selain dari kata-kata yang sering keluar dari mulut mama... s.a.b.a.r

" But, Holly, nobody's life is filled with perfect little moments. And if they were, they wouldn't be perfect little moments. They would just be normal. How would u ever know happiness if you'd never experienced downs?" ( Book entitled Ps, I Love You by Cecilia Ahern page 421...Thanks Anis...finished reading d book already..nice n sweet storyline... it was nice feeling having u in the 'bilik guru'...gonna miss u)

Kak Liza..saya tak sabar nak jadi makcik...... Naem, Ina and Nani: Happy birthday girls
Fadhlina..thank you for being my shoulder to cry on..appreciate it

Tak sabar nak jog kat Tasik esok pagi..... (",)


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