
This poem dedicated to those who are brave enough to take risks in their life..for Raudz who just resigned to concentrate on her master studies..Nani and Sara:hope it assist both of u on making the right decision…and others on what they decide to do and risks to face….

As for me, I'm still thinking whether to proceed my studies now or later...eager to enroll myself but……………………………..

To laugh is to risk appearing to be fool
To weep is to risk appearing to be sentimental
To reach out for another is to risk involvement
To expose feeling is to risk exposing your true self..
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To place your ideas and your dreams,
Before a crowd is to risk their loss
To live is to risk dying
To try is to risk failure

But…risks must be taken, because the greatest
Danger in life is to risk nothing

The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and is nothing..

They may avoid suffering in sorrow, but they cant learn,
feels, change, grew, love or live

chained by their attitudes they are slaves
they have lost their freedom
only a person who risks is free

life provides the canvas, u do the painting
Take charge of your life or someone else will
Don’t run through life so fast
That u forget where u have been or where you are going

Life is not a race but a rainbow..
To be created and witnessed
At every stage of life


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