
Showing posts from February, 2008

do appreciate what we have......

One of Pak Pandir's neighbours asked him for adviced on how to manage living in a tiny little house with a large family... O Pak Pandir, our house is very small, we cannot all fit. I have my wife, my mother in law and four children living with me. We are all packed in like a can of sardines. Ur a wise man; I turst u have a solution to my problem. Pray...please tell me what i should do ............ How many chickens do u have in the coop ? Asked Pak Pandir I hv 6 chickens and a rooster ...replied d man Bring them all to the house ..advised Pak Pandir What?? exclaimed the poor man... The house is small enough as it is without chickens Trust me ..... u will be grateful to me.... Although the neighbour was perplexed, he did what he was told... Next morning he ran to Pak Pandirs house O Pak Pandir, it is worse now. Now my wife, my mother in law, my 4 children, 6 chickens and the roosters are living with me under one roof.... we are all very uncomfortable... Pak Pandir was unfazed... Y...

New Year...New Environment n should it be d new Me???

In life, what sometimes appears to be the end is really a new beginning................... Tis new year...once again, trying to be a better person...much, much better than hope so... but sometimes things arent the way we (I and you) hoped they would be. and That is when you have to tell yourself things will be better!!!!! It May not be easy but take each step forward as challenge..... LEARN FROM YOUR DIFFICULT TIME....... GROW IN COURAGE KEEP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF Stay focus on all you want your life to be....... CHALLENGES ARE PART OF LIFE'S JOURNEY THAT WILL ONLY BRING YOU CLOSER TO DREAM YOU WANT TO BE!!!!!!! A reminder for the owner... for me myself........Hope i can get through what ever comes tis year... In The Name journey begins....................