do appreciate what we have......
One of Pak Pandir's neighbours asked him for adviced on how to manage living in a tiny little house with a large family... O Pak Pandir, our house is very small, we cannot all fit. I have my wife, my mother in law and four children living with me. We are all packed in like a can of sardines. Ur a wise man; I turst u have a solution to my problem. Pray...please tell me what i should do ............ How many chickens do u have in the coop ? Asked Pak Pandir I hv 6 chickens and a rooster ...replied d man Bring them all to the house ..advised Pak Pandir What?? exclaimed the poor man... The house is small enough as it is without chickens Trust me ..... u will be grateful to me.... Although the neighbour was perplexed, he did what he was told... Next morning he ran to Pak Pandirs house O Pak Pandir, it is worse now. Now my wife, my mother in law, my 4 children, 6 chickens and the roosters are living with me under one roof.... we are all very uncomfortable... Pak Pandir was unfazed... Y...